Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ah, here it goes! (inaugural/ tribute post)

Shalom and welcome to the blog! Here I will be keeping an account of the stellar happenings while traveling throughout India. For the next four months, I will be studying with a group of Gustavus and Concordia students in Bangalore, India. The program is called Social Justice, Peace, and Development, and we are led by Professor Doug Huff of the Philosophy Department at Gustavus Adolphus College.

->Mad props goes to Katie Halvorson for coining a suitable blog title. The name has got me pegged (Angela Rose in Bangalore...) - although I do acknowledge a fierce similarity between it and lady WWII broadcasters. But you won't find any propaganda pushing here, only deep thoughtfulness.

Many of you may recognize the format of this blog - I'm paying tribute to Andrew Evenson, a fellow Gustie and long term buddy who traveled to Germany last fall, whose art in blog making precedes me. A link to his current blog along with some other goodies are listed. Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by! Things will get underway officially on August 30 when we arrive in Bangalore. Be sure to drop a line via comment section or e-mail - I'm thinking about you all and hope you have a fantastic fall!

Now playing: Sufjan Stevens - That Was the Worst Christmas Ever!
via FoxyTunes